Champignon and shallot mille-feuille

Preparation time: 20 minuti

Cooking time: 20 minuti

Difficulty: Easy

Portions: 2 People


  • 1 vegetable puff pastry
  • 6 Shallots
  • 350 gr champignons mushrooms
  • 65 ml white wine
  • 10 gr parsley
  • 50 g Veggò® - Aquafaba
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 cloves
  • 5 ml of apple cider vinegar
  • 5 ml grated nutmeg
  • 5 mg of garlic powder
  • Fine salt
  • Olive oil
  • Black pepper



  • Preheat the oven to 180°C. Bake the puff pastry in a hot oven for 20 min; leave to cool and then cut in 4 squares.
  • In a saucepan, sauté the chopped shallot with the olive oil. When shallot is well caramelized, add salt and deglaze with 50ml of white wine; Let the liquid reduce until the shallots are cooked. Add the previously chopped parsley and set aside.Clean and cut the champignons in 4-5 parts and brown them in a saucepan with olive oil and garlic. Add salt, pepper and cloves. deglaze with 15 g of white wine; Once cooked, finely chop the mushrooms compound and set aside.
  • Pour the Veggò® – Aquafaba , nutmeg, garlic powder, vinegar and salt in a large bowl; with electric whips, whip the mixture for 10 minutes at maximum speed until a firm and compact mousse is obtained.
  • Pour the champignon mixture on the previously baked puff pastry square. Add the cooked shallots on top and cover with another puff pastry square. Using the sac a pochè, decorate the top with Veggò® – Aquafaba mousse making a zigzag pattern; sprinkle with black pepper.


  • To obtain more firm and compact structure, cool down Veggò® - Aquafaba in the fridge and add 2 g of cream of tartar together with the other dry ingredients before whipping.
  • For spiced and stronger taste, mix chilli with black pepper and sprinkle on the top.

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